Giffard only uses pure sugar extracted from French beets, combined with the most modern production technology in Europe. Forming a preservative-free syrup product, helping consumers to be completely assured of product quality. Brings a cool, natural flavor that inspires unlimited creativity in concoctions.
Diverse applications in the preparation of milk tea, smoothies, ice blended, cocktails, mocktails, ice cream, and cakes,…
TAKA FOODS currently has many flavors of Giffard syrup suitable for a variety of recipes such as peach, caramel, chestnut, cantaloupe, lychee, passion fruit, rose, strawberry, vanilla, green mint, white mint,…
As one of the oldest French Syrup brands, GIFFARD has always been the first choice of professional baristas worldwide. With 130 years of experience producing premium products for professional mixing, let GIFFARD make your drinks a work of art.
Illustrated application images